New beginnings

The birth of Jesus brought a new chapter in the life of Israel. They were to obey the law given by Moses. No wonder Father God had to find a new way. Every time I try and do things by instruction it does lots of things deep inside my Spirit.

When I get a new gadget I work out how to use it in my head, without reading the instructions. That is doing it my way.

Even when I do read the instructions I think there must be a better way than that to do things. I then adapt the instructions to suit myself. If I was an Israelite  I would have changed all the laws to suit myself.

That’s exactly what they did.

Father God knew this and had a plan. The plan was to send his Son Jesus into the world. Jesus would teach them about living the way that Father God wanted us to live.

This Christmas I have a choice between doing things my way or His way. Father God was truly a God of new beginnings as he sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our time of need.

Today I choose to do it His way?

What way will you choose today?

About cleavinghearts

I go to church in Troon Scotland. I want to see men from every nation rise up in Christ and be who they are called to be. I am interested in men getting together to praise and just do men's things. I also want to see women rise above their pain and turmoil so they are free to follow Jesus without the hindrances of their past.
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2 Responses to New beginnings

  1. James Murray says:

    Why don’t we just go to the instructions first? It would save a lot of hassle. I suppose I like to think I can do it myself. I can’t. That’s human nature eh? Thank Him that we have a God that having condescended to being human, can truly understand us. I can’t comprehend God (he would be a pretty rubbish God if I could) but He understands me. I know I can’t keep the totality of the law, but can ask for it to be written on my heart, and with the Holy Spirit to guide me I choose to work out my life with His guidance.

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